(2024). LearnSphere: A Learning Data and Analytics CyberInfrastructure. In Journal of Educational Data Mining. 16 (1), 141-163.
(2024). Assessing Educational Quality: Comparative Analysis of Crowdsourced, Expert, and AI-Driven Rubric Applications. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing. 12 , 115-125.
(2024). Singular Action, Complex Cognition: An Intelligent Tutoring System in Riichi Mahjong. In European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. 51-56.
(2024). Supporting Self-Reflection at Scale with Large Language Models: Insights from Randomized Field Experiments in Classrooms. In Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale. 86-97.
(2024). Automated Generation and Tagging of Knowledge Components from Multiple-Choice Questions. In Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale. 122-133.
2024). Learnersourcing: Student-generated Content@ Scale: 2nd Annual Workshop. In Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale. 559-562.
((2024). Uncovering Name-Based Biases in Large Language Models Through Simulated Trust Game. In arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.14682.
2024). Learner-Centered Design of LLM-Based Tutoring Systems in Education: Insights from a Large-Scale Classroom Deployment. In Proceedings of the 8th Educational Data Mining in Computer Science Education (CSEDM) Workshop. (
(2024). Enhancing llm-based feedback: Insights from intelligent tutoring systems and the learning sciences. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 32-43.
(2024). An Automatic Question Usability Evaluation Toolkit. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 31-46.
(2024). A Schema-Based Approach to the Linkage of Multimodal Learning Sources with Generative AI. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 3-10.
(2024). Investigating Demographics and Motivation in Engineering Education Using Radio and Phone-Based Educational Technologies. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1-15.
(2024). Exploring How Multiple Levels of GPT-Generated Programming Hints Support or Disappoint Novices. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1-10.
(2024). Platform-based Adaptive Experimental Research in Education: Lessons Learned from Digital Learning Challenge. In The Fourteenth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK24): Learning Analytics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. 37-40.
(2023). Learnersourcing in the age of AI: Student, educator and machine partnerships for content creation. In Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence. 100151. Elsevier.
(2023). Assessing the quality of multiple-choice questions using gpt-4 and rule-based methods. In European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. 229-245.
(2023). AI/ML-Driven Content Repository Maintenance. In Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC).
(2023). A Human-Computer Interaction Perspective on Clinical Decision Support Systems: A Systematic Review of Usability, Barriers, and Recommendations for Improvement. In 2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH).
(2023). The Role of Kiosks on Health Services: A Systematic Review. In 2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH).
(2023). Crowdsourcing the Evaluation of Multiple-Choice Questions Using Item-Writing Flaws and Bloom's Taxonomy. In Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale.
(2023). Who Writes Tomorrow’s Learning Activities? Exploring Community College Student Participation in Learnersourcing. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. International Society of the Learning Sciences.
(2023). Examining the Learning Benefits of Different Types of Prompted Self-explanation in a Decimal Learning Game. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Springer.
(2023). Empowering Education with LLMs - the Next-Gen Interface and Content Generation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Springer.
(2023). Hierarchical Concept Map Generation from Course Data. In AAAI 2023 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI4Edu).
(2023). Focal: A Proposed Method of Leveraging LLMs for Automating Assessments. In 31st International Conference on Computers in Education Conference Vol II, ICCE 2023. 349-358.
(2023). Tracking Knowledge for Learning Japanese as a 2nd Language. In 31st International Conference on Computers in Education Conference Vol I, ICCE 2023. 766-768.
(2023). Multimodal Data Support in Knowledge Objects for Real-time Knowledge Sharing. In Proceedings of CROSSMMLA Workshop at the 13th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge.
(2023). Learning Analytics for Last Mile Students in Africa. In Companion Proceedings 13th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. 153-155.
(2023). Students’ Domain Confidence and their Participation in Optional Learnersourcing Activities. In Companion Proceedings 13th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. 147-149.
2023). Workshop on Empowering Education with LLMs-the Next-Gen Interface and Content Generation. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 3487 , 32-37. (
(2023). OLI Torus: a next-generation, open platform for adaptive courseware development, delivery, and research. In Companion Proceedings 13th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. 57-60.
(2022). Debiasing Politically Motivated Reasoning with Value-Adaptive Instruction. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Springer.
(2022). Reducing Bias in a Misinformation Classification Task with Value-Adaptive Instruction. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Springer.
(2022). Leveraging Students to Generate Skill Tags that Inform Learning Analytics. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. 791-798. International Society of the Learning Sciences.
(2022). Participation and Success with Optional Self-Explanation for Students in Online Undergraduate Chemistry Courses. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. 1381-1384. International Society of the Learning Sciences.
(2022). Assessing the Quality of Student-Generated Short Answer Questions Using GPT-3. In Educating for a New Future: Making Sense of Technology-Enhanced Learning Adoption. 243-257. Springer International Publishing.
(2022). Towards Generalized Methods for Automatic Question Generation in Educational Domains. In Educating for a New Future: Making Sense of Technology-Enhanced Learning Adoption. 272-284. Springer International Publishing.
(2022). Learnersourcing: Student-Generated Content @ Scale. In Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale. 259–262. Association for Computing Machinery.
2022). Developing a Continuous, Rather Than Binary, Classification for Measuring STEM Jobs. In 6th APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2022 (CTE-STEM 2022). (
(2021). Examining the Effects of Student Participation and Performance on the Quality of Learnersourcing Multiple-Choice Questions. In Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale. 209-220.
(2021). Exploring Metrics for the Analysis of Code Submissions in an Introductory Data Science Course. In LAK21: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference. 632-638.
2021). A Human-Centered Approach to Data Driven Iterative Course Improvement. In International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation. 742-761. (
(2020). Persuasion Invasion: Reducing Bias with Value-Adaptive Instruction. In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. 50-53.
(2020). Towards Value-Adaptive Instruction: A Data-Driven Method for Addressing Bias in Argument Evaluation Tasks. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1-11.
2020). Utilizing Crowdsourcing and Topic Modeling to Generate Knowledge Components for Math and Writing Problems. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education. 31-40. (
(2020). Improving Students’ Problem-solving Flexibility in Nonroutine Mathematics. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 409-413. Springer.
(2020). Moving beyond Test Scores: Analyzing the Effectiveness of a Digital Learning Game through Learning Analytics. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining. 487-495.
(2020). Evaluating Crowdsourcing and Topic Modeling in Generating Knowledge Components from Explanations. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 398-410. Springer.
(2020). Crowdsourcing Explanations for Improving Assessment Content and Identifying Knowledge Components. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. 2627-2628. International Society of the Learning Sciences.
(2020). Towards Crowdsourcing the Identification of Knowledge Components. In Proceedings of the Seventh (2020) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale. 245-248.
(2019). Learning linkages: Integrating data streams of multiple modalities and timescales. In Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 35 (1), 99-109. Wiley Online Library.
(2019). Exploring Teachable Humans and Teachable Agents: Human Strategies Versus Agent Policies and the Basis of Expertise. In Artificial Intelligence in Education. 269-274. Springer International Publishing.
(2019). Decision Support for an Adversarial Game Environment Using Automatic Hint Generation. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 82-88. Springer International Publishing. [Best Short Paper Finalist]
2019). Early Detection of Wheel Spinning: Comparison across Tutors, Models, Features, and Operationalizations.. In International Conference on Educational Data Mining. EDM2019. (
(2019). Online Assessment of Belief Biases and Their Impact on the Acceptance of Fallacious Reasoning. In Artificial Intelligence in Education. 62-66. Springer International Publishing.
2019). Predicting Bias in the Evaluation of Unlabeled Political Arguments.. In CogSci. 1640-1646. (
(2019). Using Knowledge Component Modeling to Increase Domain Understanding in a Digital Learning Game. In International Conference on Educational Data Mining.
(2019). How does order of gameplay impact learning and enjoyment in a digital learning game?. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education.
(2019). Tigris: An Online Workflow Tool for Sharing Educational Data and Analytic Methods. In Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. 183.
(2019). MOOC Effort Dashboard: An Interactive Web Dashboard Built in R. In Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. 167.
(2019). How does Performance in an Online Primer Predict Achievement in a Future Computer Science Course?. In Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. 300-306.
(2019). Sharing and Reusing Data and Analytic Methods with LearnSphere. In Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. 328-331.
(2019). Human-Centered Data Science for Educational Technology Improvement using Crowd Workers. In Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. 341-347.
(2019). LearnSphere: Learning Analytics Development and Sharing Made Simple. In Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. 996.
(2019). TutorGen SCALE ® - Student Centered Adaptive Learning Engine. In Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. 964-973.
(2018). A Novel Method for the In-Depth Multimodal Analysis of Student Learning Trajectories in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In Journal of Learning Analytics. 5 (1), 41-54.
(2018). An Instructional Factors Analysis of an Online Logical Fallacy Tutoring System. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 86-97.
(2018). Data-driven Generation of Rubric Criteria from an Educational Programming Environment. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. 16-20. ACM.
(2018). Predicting Individualized Learner Models across Tutor Lessons. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. 474-478.
(2018). Predictive Student Modeling for Interventions in Online Classes. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. 619-624.
(2018). Measuring Transfer of Data-Driven Code Features Across Tasks in Alice. In Proceedings of the Educational Data Mining in Computer Science Education (CSEDM) Workshop in conjuction with the 11th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM2018).
(2018). Programming Pathway Clustering Using Tree Edit Distance. In Proceedings of the Educational Data Mining in Computer Science Education (CSEDM) Workshop in conjuction with the 11th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM2018).
(2018). Peer Tutor Matching for Introductory Programming: Data-Driven Methods to Enable New Opportunities for Help. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2018). 1377-1378.
(2018). Linkage Objects for Generalized Instruction in Coding (LOGIC). In The Thirty-First International Flairs Conference. 442-446.
(2017). A Framework for Using Hypothesis-Driven Approaches to Support Data-Driven Learning Analytics in Measuring Computational Thinking in Block-Based Programming Environments. In ACM Trans. Comput. Educ.. 17 (3), 14:1-14:25. ACM.
(2017). Sharing and reusing data and analytic methods with LearnSphere. In Workshop and Tutorials Chairs. 475-476.
(2017). An instructor dashboard for real-time analytics in interactive programming assignments. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference. 272-279.
(2017). A Framework for Hypothesis-driven Approaches to Support Data-driven Learning Analytics in Measuring Computational Thinking in Block-based Programming. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference. 530-531. ACM.
(2017). Teaching Informal Logical Fallacy Identification with a Cognitive Tutor. In Artificial Intelligence in Education. 605-608. Springer International Publishing.
(2017). Exploring Learner Model Differences Between Students. In Artificial Intelligence in Education. 494-497. Springer International Publishing.
(2017). Data-Driven Generation of Rubric Parameters from an Educational Programming Environment. In Artificial Intelligence in Education. 490-493. Springer International Publishing.
(2017). Automatic Peer Tutor Matching: Data-Driven Methods to Enable New Opportunities for Help.. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2017). 372-373.
(2017). Teaching Informal Logical Fallacy Identification with a Cognitive Tutor. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2017). 433-435.
(2017). Multimodal Data Collection and Analysis of Collaborative Learning through an Intelligent Tutoring System. In MMLA-CrossLAK@ LAK. 47-52.
(2017). Community Based Educational Data Repositories and Analysis Tools. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference. 524-525. Association for Computing Machinery.
(2017). Building the Learning Analytics Curriculum: Workshop. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference. 520-521. Association for Computing Machinery.
(2016). The 2010 KDD Cup Competition Dataset: Engaging the machine learning community in predictive learning analytics. In Journal of Learning Analytics. 3 (2), 312-316.
(2016). Predicting Individual Differences for Learner Modeling in Intelligent Tutors from Previous Learner Activities. In Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on User Modeling Adaptation and Personalization<. 55-63. ACM. [Best Paper Award]
(2016). Estimating Individual Differences for Student Modeling in Intelligent Tutors from Reading and Pretest Data. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 133-143. Springer International Publishing. [Best Paper Finalist]
(2016). Beyond Log Files: Using Multi-Modal Data Streams towards Data-Driven KC Model Improvement. In 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM2016). 436-441.
(2016). Extracting Measures of Active Learning and Student Self-Regulated Learning Strategies from MOOC Data. In 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM2016). 583-584.
(2016). How quickly can wheel spinning be detected?. In 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM2016). 607-608.
(2015). The Future of Practical Applications of EDM at Scale. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2015). 11.
(2015). Ethics and privacy in EDM. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2015). 13.
(2014). Data-driven Learner Modeling to Understand and Improve Online Learning: MOOCs and Technology to Advance Learning and Learning Research (Ubiquity Symposium). In Ubiquity. 2014 (May), 3:1-3:13. ACM.
(2014). Personalization, non-cognitive factors, and grain-size for measurement and analysis in intelligent tutoring systems: implications for GIFT. In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual GIFT Users Symposium. 123-134.
(2014). SCALE: Student Centered Adaptive Learning Engine. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 654-655. Springer International Publishing.
(2014). A Multi-level Complex Adaptive System Approach for Modeling of Schools. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 623-624. Springer International Publishing.
(2013). LearnLab's DataShop: A Data Repository and Analytics Tool Set for Cognitive Science. In Topics in Cognitive Science. 5 (3), 668-669. Wiley Online Library.
(2013). Experimental Evaluation of Automatic Hint Generation for a Logic Tutor. In International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 22 (1-2), 3-17. IOS Press.
(2013). New Potentials for Data-Driven Intelligent Tutoring System Development and Optimization. In AI Magazine. 34 (3), 27-41. Citeseer.
(2013). Using Data-Driven Discovery of Better Student Models to Improve Student Learning. In Artificial Intelligence in Education. 421-430. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
(2013). A comparison of model selection metrics in datashop. In In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2013).
(2013). An Algorithm for Reducing the Complexity of Interaction Networks. In In Proceedings of the 6thInternational Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2013).
(2013). Toward Hyper-Personalized Cognitive Tutors. In AIED 2013 Workshops Proceedings Volume 7. 71-79.
(2013). Towards Improving Programming Habits to Create Better Computer Science Course Outcomes. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. 243-248. ACM.
(2013). CloudCoder: Building a Community for Creating, Assigning, Evaluating and Sharing Programming Exercises (Abstract Only). In Proceeding of the 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. 742-742. ACM.
(2013). Online Education: A Unique Opportunity for Cognitive Scientists to Integrate Research and. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 35 (35).
(2012). Internet scale experimental design and deployment for educational games using BrainPOP. In Proceedings of the 8th Games+ Learning+ Society Conference (GLS 2012). 275-281.
(2012). Educational Data Mining Meets Learning Analytics. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. 20-20. ACM.
(2012). Automated Student Model Improvement. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2012). 17-24. [Best Paper Award]
(2012). The Rise of the Super Experiment. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2012). 196-200.
(2012). The Effects of Adaptive Sequencing Algorithms on Player Engagement within an Online Game. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 588-590. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
(2012). Program Representation for Automatic Hint Generation for a Data-Driven Novice Programming Tutor. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 304-309. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
(2012). Using Time Pressure to Promote Mathematical Fluency. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 669-670. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
(2011). Enhancing the automatic generation of hints with expert seeding. In International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 21 (1-2), 153-167. IOS Press.
(2011). Using Markov decision processes for student problem-solving visualization and automatic hint generation. In Handbook of Educational Data Mining. 467-480. CRC Press.
(2011). Experimental Evaluation of Automatic Hint Generation for a Logic Tutor. In Artificial Intelligence in Education. 345-352. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [Best Paper Finalist]
(2011). Human-Machine Student Model Discovery and Improvement Using DataShop. In Artificial Intelligence in Education. 353-360. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
(2011). Managing the Educational Dataset Lifecycle with DataShop. In Artificial Intelligence in Education. 557-559. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
(2011). Towards Automatic Hint Generation for a DataDriven Novice Programming Tutor. In Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Educational Data, 17th ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.
(2011). EDM and the 4th Paradigm of Scientific Discovery-Reflections on the 2010 KDD Cup Competition. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011). 7.
(2011). Avoiding problem selection thrashing with conjunctive knowledge tracing. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011). 91-100.
(2011). DataShop: A Data Repository and Analysis Service for the Learning Science Community (Interactive Event). In Artificial Intelligence in Education. 628. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
(2010). Automatic Hint Generation for Logic Proof Tutoring Using Historical Data. In Journal of Educational Technology & Society. 13 (1), 3-12. International Forum of Educational Technology & Society.
(2010). A Data Repository for the EDM Community: The PSLC DataShop. In Handbook of Educational Data Mining. 43. CRC Press.
(2010). Enhancing the Automatic Generation of Hints with Expert Seeding. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 31-40. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [Best Student Paper Award]
(2010). PSLC DataShop: A Data Analysis Service for the Learning Science Community. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 455-455. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
(2010). A data driven approach to the discovery of better cognitive models. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2010). 325-326.
(2010). Using a Bayesian Knowledge Base for Hint Selection on Domain Specific Problems. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2010). 327-328.
(2009). An unsupervised, frequency-based metric for selecting hints in an mdp-based tutor. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2009). 180-189.
(2009). Utility in Hint Generation: Selection of Hints from a Corpus of Student Work. In Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education: Building Learning Systems That Care: From Knowledge Representation to Affective Modelling. 749-751. IOS Press.
(2008). The hint factory: Automatic generation of contextualized help for existing computer aided instruction. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems Young Researchers Track. 71-78.
(2008). Toward Automatic Hint Generation for Logic Proof Tutoring Using Historical Student Data. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 373-382. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [Best Paper Finalist]
(2008). A pilot study on logic proof tutoring using hints generated from historical student data. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2008). 197-201.
(2008). Towards an Intelligent Tutoring System for Propositional Proof Construction. In Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Current Issues in Computing and Philosophy. 145-155. IOS Press.
(2007). Extracting Student Models for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In Proceedings of the 22nd National Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Volume 2. 1900-1901. AAAI Press.
(2007). Toward the extraction of production rules for solving logic proofs. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Educational Data Mining Workshop (AIED2007). 11-20.
(2007). A Complex Adaptive System Approach to Predictive Data Insertion for Missing Student Data. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Blended Learning (ICBL 2007). Kassel Press.
(2006). Automating the Generation of Production Rules for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL2006). Kassel Press.
(2006). Comparative Analysis of Concept Derivation Using the Q-matrix Method and Facets. In Proceedings of the AAAI 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Educational Data Mining Workshop (AAAI2006). AAAI Press.
(2005). Predictive protocol management with contingency planning for wireless sensor networks. In IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems Conference (MASS2005). 3 pp.-162.
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